UK Election Update

On Thursday 4th July the UK held a General Election.
The result was a landslide victory for the Labour Party. This result has held to a New Government in 14 years and a new Prime Minister in Sir Keir Starmer.
What Is the difference between political parties?
For the last 14 years the ruling Government was the Conservative Party and is now the Labour Party.
The Conservative Party (Blue) has traditionally been known for the history of more well off supporters. Their policies are criticized for making the rich richer.
The Labour Party are more of a Party of the people and for spreading wealth.
Housing Policy
In recent years the Government has been criticized in its dealing with the housing crisis.
The UK has an urgent demand and severe demand for housing that has grown more urgent year on year.
The UK Government has been criticized for not coming to grips with the slowness of Local Councils and the approval processes.
The Labour Party Housing Policy
Is the Labour Party manifesto they state
To build 1.5 Million new homes in the next 5 years.
An immediate target of 300,000 new homes a year 231,100 new homes were built in 2023, which was the 5th consecutive fall of completions.
They will reform the planning process to force councils to speed up the process.
All of this is superb news for us and resources permitting we will be pushing hard in the forthcoming months