Kent, United Kingdom
The village of Tenderden, in Kent is one of historical architecture and natural beauty. The site was previously pasture and open land, and is bounded by a Conservation Area to the North and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Special Landscape Area to the West and South-East. Despite the character and significance of the surrounding landscape, the site gained allocation by Ashford Borough Council in the Tenderden and Rural Sites Development plan document (October 2010) to meet their housing needs. Tenderden is an interesting example of how when a council has fallen behind in its 5-year supply of housing, new or emerging development plans, often totally disregard a previous local plan to meet housing and affordable housing requirements.
The site furthermore is evidence of how, despite wetland, woodland, hedging, ponds, historical landscape and AOBN in addition strict historic in keeping of local architecture planning can still be obtained. Perhaps in this regard, this case study may benefit the sales team with regard to Keston.
The Masterplan/Development Brief from the council required phrasing of development to initially include the provision of a public car park providing up to 200 car parking spaces to be completed at entry point on Phase A.
The Masterplan/Development Brief also identified a planting of a substantial woodland (incorporation of wetland) the retention and enhancement of existing hedges and natural watercourses and ponds. The creation of pedestrian and cycleways on and off site. Affordable housing and mixed type dwellings, and provision of off-site highway improvements relating to the site. The creation of a linear public open space through the center of the site following in line with an existing stream.
The Green Spaces on site which gained planning included a Woodland Park, a 2.38 hectares of informal and natural green space including a grassland meadow, and a new 0.7-hectare wildflower meadow corridor.

Planning Application
Planning for the site/s was obtained without objection from the council. However, a considerable amount of planning and attention to detail on each property type and landscape was applied.
In short, 23rd June 2014, plans were submitted on all matters, highways, mixed housing, open space, recreation areas, open space. Of the same time a public consultation was held with 250 local residents attending, on a selection of 3 day workshops, each giving significant input to the local communities’ views, vision of the site, each planning their own layout.
October 2014 further plans were submitted regarding style of front palette of houses relating to all house type.
February 2015 amended plans were submitted in line with public and council thoughts.
September 2015 Unilateral Agreement was reached with the council regarding various financial contributions the said developers would be liable for. Namely as an overview, a Contribution of Occupation towards housing, NHS, and schooling. Healthcare contribution per dwelling ranging from £505 for 1 bed apartment to £1,728 for 5 bed house. This scale applied with variation per household a
Youth Services Contribution, Allotments Contribution, Outdoor Sports Pitches Contribution, Strategic Parks Contribution, Youth Services Contribution, Adult Social Care, Community Learning, Cycleway, Libraries and Secondary School Contributions from £589.95 for a 2 bed apartment to £2,359.80 for each house.
October 2015 Planning was granted for 250 homes. The site split on ownership between of much smaller size with Taylor Wimpey, and the main site with consent for 138 homes over 15.28 acres, which was resold with planning approved for offers in excess of 4 million pounds (details attached to email) Which also gives an investor a solid understanding of how once planning has been granted an underdeveloped site holds significant value.
Site Plane